SGS Orchestra Rehearsal – Intermediate
December 15 @ 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
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The Sacramento Community Guitar Orchestra is open to anyone who wishes to improve their skills, and it is a FREE community service for all (donations graciously accepted).
Intermediate orchestra is for guitarists who have a basic grasp of scales, chords, and the notes on the neck from first position. Bring your guitar and come join us for a friendly and fun rehearsal session.
Bring a music stand and a foot-stool. Sheet music will be provided by email after you sign up for the orchestra.
Contact the organizer if you have any questions about joining.
Group Reherasal
12:30-1:30 Intermediate
1:30-2:30 Advanced
These times include a ten minute window at the beginning for setting up.
Please be ready to play on time so that we can maximize our rehearsal time.
Sean O’Connor, Guitar Lessons and Performance